Martes, Mayo 10, 2011

High Chances of Spotting Orioles in Fruit Bearing Trees

When you buy an oriole feeder, you do not also buy orioles to feed and rest on it. A plan to utilize the ornamental bird feeders efficiently is very much needed.

First, be informed that nectars are widely available from other natural resources such as juicy fruits and flowers. If you have a number of fruit-bearing trees or flower gardens, then these are the locations where orioles and humming birds are probably located. But if you have neither, try to find some tall trees around your lawn and attempt to look for birds with bright yellow feathers with shiny black coat on top. It will be a good sign to find one or two birds. By doing this, your feeders become more noticeable to them. One whole unsliced orange will be hard to extract juice from compared to one that is cut in half, so the birds will enjoy feeding more. If you cannot find the above mentioned fruits, proceed to a nearby pet food retailer and purchase some lard or peanut butter mix. You can also use small pieces of bread for your oriole feeder.

Chances are orioles will find these treasures in a matter of time. This should be avoided because they will eat the food supposedly for your starved orioles. A water spray will be one useful tool in sending bees away or stopping ants from entering your bird feeders. An additional tip to make your feeder a hit is to keep it tidy. Schedule a feeder check once every week to see its condition through the weather and bring it down for tidying up as needed. Bird baths make oriole feeders more attractive to orioles. Replace the water twice every week or more frequently to prevent bird droppings and dirt accumulation. As people often said, the more means the merrier. Orioles can have a wonderful feast in your backyard sooner than you think.

Lastly, keep your oriole bird feeders full with nectar and other juicy treats. That does not sound like a delightful fate, does it?